Level measurement using a level probe and a display/controller

Level measurement

For the processes in the individual basins of the filtration plant to run smoothly, a certain level must be maintained. This way, once one process has come to an end, the water can flow from one basin into the next.

Our solution for level measurement

404391_Maera_F27.tif - Level probe


Level probe Basic type: 404391
  • Measuring range: 0.5 to 16 mH2O
  • Medium temperature: -20 to +60 °C
  • Optional temperature sensor
701550_di308_001.tif - Digital indicator

JUMO di 308

Digital indicator Basic type: 701550
  • Up to 2 universal analog inputs
  • Galvanic isolation 500 V
  • Size: 96 × 48 mm

Always enough water in the flocculation plant

JUMO devices safeguard the flocculation process

Level measurement in the flocculation plant is carried out using the JUMO MAERA F27 level probe. The JUMO di 308 – which is the controller or indicator for standard signals – displays the corresponding value. This way, the level can be easily monitored and controlled which ensures that the processes in the flocculation plant run optimally.

Your contact

Industry Water and Wastewater

JUMO Měření a regulace s.r.o. +420 541 321 113 +420 541 321 113