Contact person

Would you like to contact us?

Our specialists will be happy to answer your questions and help you find the right solution for your application.

You can reach us by phone from
Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM

Please enter your town or postal code.

Other contacts

Managing Director

Ing. Ivo Jemelík +420 541 321 113 +420 541 321 113

Country manager,
sales and consulting

Ing. Pavel Novák +420 774 680 877 +420 774 680 877

Sales and consulting

Mgr. Michaela Hrabětová +420 541 321 113 +420 541 321 113

Secretariat, warehouse, order tracking

Ida Štefková +420 541 321 113 +420 541 321 113

Service & Engineering

Ing. Lubomír Hudec +420 737 646 761 +420 737 646 761

Service & Engineering

Ing. Vladimír Richter +420 777 006 305 +420 777 006 305

Accounting, HR

Ing. Beáta Dittelová +420 731 443 246 +420 731 443 246

Invoicing, order tracking

Petra Vozková +420 541 321 113 +420 541 321 113

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